Join Kingston's sustainable energy community at this free meeting featuring introductions and sector news. We'd like to keep the SWITCH community active and connected during this time of physical distancing!
We are using Zoom at this URL: You can also phone in using the numbers below.
You may have to download the Zoom App to participate. Just click the above link a few minutes before the start time of 8am.
Click here to access Katie's presentation
Evolving Climate Policy & Market Landscapes:
Emerging Opportunities for Ontario

Our speaker this month is Katie Sullivan, a managing director of the International Emissions Trading Association. She is based in Toronto.
Katie will share key macro insights on climate business + policy trends and drivers, especially as more corporates/investors and governments enhance climate commitments and pursue net-zero. She'll provide some thoughts on what we’re seeing on COVID market impacts, econ recovery packages + outlooks, before delving into some Ontario-CAD specific observations – including views on Ontario Cap&Trade cancellation (bad), and emerging market opportunities (good) for well-positioned Ontario businesses to capitalize on growing low-carbon markets and demand at home and abroad.
IETA’s the global multi-sector business voice for climate markets and finance. Based in Geneva, it came out of the UN climate negotiations ~20 years ago, and now has offices and engagement hubs worldwide. They represent over 150 businesses, many with assets, exposure and market opportunities across Ontario and Canada.
1. Introductions
2. Speaker
3. Sector News
Detailed Zoom meeting information:
Topic: SWITCH Open Meeting by Zoom
Time: May 1, 2020 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 697 274 595
Password: 013385
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Meeting ID: 697 274 595
Password: 013385