SWITCH Open Meeting - November 1, 2024
You are invited to join the sustainable energy community of south eastern Ontario!
When: November 1, 2024 | 8:00am
Where: Zoom. FREE Event!
Lodestar Structures by Anchor Concrete: The Innovative Building System designed for Environmental Responsibility, Now and in the Future.
Our mission is to pioneer innovative solutions to disrupt and evolve construction methodology, ensuring every component introduced is consciously engineered to be environmentally responsible, with a specific focus on ensuring products achieve their intended purpose for centuries.
Our purpose was to displace less environmentally responsible building materials by re-applying Anchor Concrete expertise in long-term use underground structures. Lodestar is a family of Skillfully Engineered and Factory Manufactured Precast Concrete Building Components. These products address the need for the construction industry to evolve towards a more environmentally responsible process, applying a holistic focus on the building’s Lifecycle and how it will endure current and future environmental conditions.

The Lodestar Structures Building System combines the resilience of Precast Concrete with the quality of Factory Manufactured Construction Materials. The component-centric installation process allows builders to rapidly erect buildings in an extremely safe and cost-effective manner. Products can be produced in advance of the construction schedule and can be deployed to the construction site at predetermined times, allowing project managers to coordinate delivery and installation within a small construction window.
Though the materials used to manufacture the Precast Building Components are familiar to most construction projects, the unique feature of the Lodestar Structures building system is how our team of Engineers have put these components together.

Phillip has been with Anchor Concrete since 2021 where he is Sales Manager for LodeStar Structures. He has been involved in the launch of this Canadian based product to the global precast and construction markets. He brings over 20 years combined Leadership, Sales, Marketing and Operations experience.
Click the link below on the day of the event to join. See you there!
Meeting ID: 961 7309 1680
Passcode: 535158
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• +1 613 209 3054 Canada
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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